Book 1 Blurb

I’ve heard that if you have a little blurb summarizing what the book is about, it helps when you get writer’s block. It also helps to keep the book going in the right direction. Here’s a draft summary of what book 1: Scent of Attraction is about.


Charlotte Emery has a problem with her nose. It dictates her life but she doesn’t know it. She doesn’t want to take a possible romance with her textpal, Max, to the next level for fear that she smell something amiss and taint that relationship.

Max Roberts feels a great connection with Charlotte and wants to take it to the next level but he doesn’t want to blur the lines between business and pleasure. When they finally meet in person, sparks fly.

Things go well at the beginning, but then her nose gets in the way. Usually, her nose wins. This time her heart’s declaring war.


I also have a temporary cover to keep me in line:


Let the writing continue :)!